Now Hiring


Test-Enjineer on telecommunication.
Detail is below.


【Occupation】Test-Enjineer on Mobile,LTE,5G

【Place of work】Chiba Pref,Kanagawa Pref,Ishikawa Pref,Tochigi Pref,Hyogo Pref,Kyoto fu,Osaka fu,Yamaguchi Pref,Okayama Pref,Saga Pref,Kagoshima Pref,Miyazaki Pref,Ehime Pref,Tokushima Pref,Okinawa Pref

【Working hours】9 am to 6 pm

【Reward】280,000 JPY per 1 month 




Detail is below.



【Place of work】Chiba Pref,Kanagawa Pref,Ishikawa Pref,Tochigi Pref,Hyogo Pref,Kyoto fu,Osaka fu,Yamaguchi Pref,Okayama Pref,Saga Pref,Kagoshima Pref,Miyazaki Pref,Ehime Pref,Tokushima Pref,Okinawa Pref

【Working hours】9 am to 6 pm

【Reward】280,000 JPY,Gasoline costs will be paid separately per 1 month





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We will make great strides with our business partners.


We are looking for partners who aim to grow by working hard with each other by making the best use of their strengths and areas of expertise.


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